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프로그램 TRACK

DAY 1 09.29 (월) TRACK 4 세션 3 13:00 ~ 13:45

Automated Recognition of Alzheimer's Disease from Wearable Devices: Big Brain Data and Big Visual Data

This talk discusses methodologies to recognize human/brain activities from wearable devices. We particularly focus on two different types of data: big visual data from wearable cameras and big brain data from wearable EEG sensors.

발표자 소개 Michael S. Ryoo NASA-JPL
Michael S. Ryoo is a research staff at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. His research interest includes semantic understanding of videos, first-person computer vision (first-person activity recognition particularly), and intelligent interactions/collaborations between humans and wearbles/robots. Dr. Ryoo received the B.S. degree in computer science from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 2004, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2006 and 2008, respectively. He frequently provides tutorials on human activity recognition at major Computer Vision conferences including CVPR 2011, AVSS 2012, and CVPR 2014, has authored more than 30 conference/journal papers on human activity recognition, and is the corresponding author of the activity recognition survey paper published by ACM Computing Surveys on 2011. He also was the lead organizer of the first ICPR contest on human activity recognition (SDHA 2010) and organized the 3rd workshop on Egocentric (First-person) Vision at CVPR 2014.
윤경식 Ybrain
한성과학고를 조기졸업하고, 카이스트 바이오및뇌공학과를 최우수 졸업했다. 25세에 카이스트 박사학위를 받았다. 미국 캘리포니아공대(Caltech)에서 박사후연구원으로 재직하며 신경네트워크 조절 관련 두 개의 혁신적인 논문을 <네이처>에 게재하였다.
2013년 2월 와이브레인을 창업하고 뇌기능의 측정과 조절이 동시에 가능한 획기적인 하드웨어-소프트웨어 플랫폼을 개발했다. 이 기술을 기반으로 안전하고 효과적인 치매 치료를 위한 임상시험을 진행 중이며, 이는 웨어러블 의료기기를 활용한 세계최초의 알츠하이머 원격치료 사례이다.
와이브레인의 기술은 미래 두뇌건강 분야에 광범위한 영향을 미치게 될 것으로 전망된다. 곧 파킨슨, 자폐증을 비롯한 각종 신경정신질환 치료에 활용될 예정이다. 이 안전하고, 효과적이고, 편리한 치료기술은 뇌과학과 의료산업에 커다란 혁신을 가져올 것으로 기대되고 있다.
윤대표는 두뇌기능을 이해하고 신경정신질환을 치료하는 기술에 대해 끊임없이 연구 중이다.

Kyongsik Yun received a BS (2006) and a PhD (2010) in brain engineering at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). Yun then moved to the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), where he published two innovative Nature papers on artificial telepathy and noninvasive neural network modulation.
In February 2013 he founded Ybrain, where he developed a hardware-software platform that enables simultaneous monitoring and modulation of brain function. He applied this technology to conduct safe and effective clinical trials for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. These trials are the world’s first "remote” treatment of the disease by use of a wearable medical device.
Yun’s pioneering technology has far-reaching implications for the future of human brain health. It is set to play an integral role in the treatment of brain disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, autism and psychiatric illnesses. He believes this safe, effective and mobile technology will revolutionize brain science and the medical industry.
강연 대상
deep learning 개발자, 일반 개발자, 헬스케어 관련 스타트업 관련자
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