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프로그램 TRACK

DAY 1 09.29 (월) TRACK 2 세션 5 15:00 ~ 15:45

GitHub's First Principles

GitHub is known for building and shipping features fast, optimizing for happiness, and its non-hierarchical structure. For the most part, it bucks the conventional wisdom for how companies should operate. Where does it get these ideas? And how will those ideas scale as GitHub grows?In this talk, I

발표자 소개 Phil Haack GitHub
Phil Haack (yes, it's pronounced "hack" or 학) works at GitHub making it better for .NET and Windows developers everywhere to work on code together. Prior to GitHub, he was a senior Program Manager at Microsoft responsible for shipping ASP.NET MVC, NuGet, among other things.

Phil Haack("hack" 혹은 "학"으로 발음합니다)은 모든 .NET과 윈도 개발자들이 코드로 협업할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 Github에서 일하고 있습니다. Github 이전에 그는 ASP.NET MVC, NuGet 등의 배포를 책임지는, 마이크로소프트의 시니어 프로그램 매니저였습니다.
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